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While Jean is not a dedicated outdoorsy sort of person, and is definitely a city girl, her work can clearly be defined as organic. In many instances it is taken directly from nature, and when not, still retains a natural flow that is unmistakable. Just as distinctive is the fact Jean's work is  nearly all one-of-a-kind. She rarely makes a series of any one concept, creating a truly unique body of work. Some of her pieces carry explicit names, others a simple inventory designation, or perhaps none at all.  While there is no particular reason for how any one piece has been designated, or not, it will certainly provide plenty for future art historians to think about. These are presented here as a sharing of some of the fun that Jean has exploring the variety of things that can be done in metal, glass, and stone.
Enameled Copper Necklace
Entry in the Metal Arts Society of Southern California 2014 Challenge.  A kit of  45 materials commonly used jewelry is provided - your task is to create something wearable utilizing at least 5 of these materials. A wildcard material not part of the kit may be used.  There was a deadline. There is always a deadline. I was inspired by a photo of Uluru Falls, near Ayres Rock, in the middle of the inhospitable part of Australia, which became the focus of the piece.  The necklace elements help reflect the scope of the area that is home to these magnificent cascading waterfalls.
A pair of gracefully dropping arms, reminiscent of a wishbone, lead to a solidified golden pool. Cast in 14-karat gold.
Cast Gold Pendant
Man’s White Gold Ring
6 clear and colored semiprecious stones accent a field of pebbles, reminiscent of a stream bed. Cast in 14K white gold.
Waterfall Necklace
Forged Sterling wire surrounds the hint of a waterfall in the Jasp-Agate that blends upwards into the necklace itself. Sterling Silver wire and Jasp-Agate.
Corrugated Enameled Flower Pin
A lightweight pin of thin, corrugated copper, enameled to enhance the warm tones of the metal. Copper and enamel.
Edges in Opposition
A lightweight pin of thin, corrugated copper left in its natural state. Copper.
Abalone Pendant #1
An abalone shell, molded from life in Fine Silver PMC, enhanced with blue enamel to accent the texture. PMC FIne Silver, enamel..
Abalone Pendant #2 - Golden Eye
A rare case if exploring the same form in a different way.  Golden Eye is Fine Silver PMC combined with 14 and 18 Karat gold PMC. Precious Metal Clay is a unique material that permits design approaches not previously possible. PMC FIne Silver, 14 & 18 Karat Gold
Plique à jur Pendant
The ability of PMC to be shaped in one step enhances the transparent enamel. PMC Fine Sliver and enamel.
Star Burst Pin
A star burst pin with Kum-Boo using gold foil.  This ancient Korean process uses heat and pressure to marry the metals without creating an alloy. The stars are seed pods, taken from nature. Fine Silver and 24 Karat gold foil.
Opal Pendant
This white opal was wire wrapped to show as much of the stone as possible. White opal, 24K gold filled wire.
Two Sterling Silver Deco Rings
Two hollow, sterling silver rings in a modified Deco style, fabricated entirely of sheet material, providing dynamic shape and light weight. Sterling silver sheet.
The Silver Snail
Cast from an original, carved lost wax master, it sits there, contemplating the possibility of its next move, an object of quiet delight. Cast sterling silver.
Rhodochrosite Pendant
The pendant displays one of Jean’s favorite approaches - carrying the basic design beyond the core of the piece, creating a result that is greater than its parts. Rhodochrosite on fabricated, textured sterling silver
Fine Silver and Gold Kum-Boo Pendant
A Fine Silver pendant with 24 Karat gold foil Kum-Boo that almost gives the feeling of a giant crystal of something formed deep in the early days of the planet, carrying the lines of the turquoise out beyond the stone. Fine Silver, 24K Gold and Turquoise.
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An Assortment of Jean’s Jewelry